Jerry Botha – Managing Partner at Tax Consulting SA
Jerry has over 25 years of experience and is a well-respected and leading tax professional in South Africa. He enjoys presenting and is passionate about tax and international individuals. Tax Consulting South Africa was founded in 2005, which has developed into South Africa’s largest independent tax practice.
The firm is a SARS-recognised top 6 tax practice and the leading advisor to large multinational corporates, globally mobile individuals, and fellow professionals on complex areas of taxation and international tax. Tax Consulting SA further authored two editions of the LexisNexis “Expatriate Tax” textbook, as critically acclaimed by the esteemed Judge Dennis Davis.
The practice has developed to now cover all areas of South African tax, especially dealing with more complex tax matters; often assisting fellow professionals with more complex and specialised areas on their tax clients. Jerry’s presentation style is highly geared towards information sharing and drawing from vast practical examples encountered daily as one of South Africa’s largest 6 tax providers.