Increased UIF Contribution Ceiling Finally Takes Effect
After a false start earlier this year, the increase to R17,712 in the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) contribution ceiling has now taken effect.
Declaration Of Cease To Be A Tax Resident
On Thursday 3 June 2021, SARS issued its guidance on what ceasing South African tax residency involves, by posting its “Cease to be a Resident” webpage. This is a welcome initiative that may clear up any misconceptions and dispel any advice peddled in the market that this is simply a matter of ticking boxes.
Disappearing Exchange Control
We have seen significant changes and adjustments to the exchange control policies with National Treasury steadily reducing exchange controls for individuals seeking to send money abroad, particularly in the last 15 odd years.
In the Land of the Blind: Filing Season Causing Anxiety for Cryptocurrency Investors
With filing season fast approaching, it has become abundantly clear that SARS will have its sights set firmly on collecting tax from cryptocurrency activities.
Cryptocurrency Is Either A Powder Keg Or Panacea: Which Way Will We Go?
During 2020, crypto platforms the world over sailed into the heavens, then plummeted months later. Amid the joys and sorrows experienced by investors, come new concerns about cryptocurrency regulation and what it would mean for South African taxpayers.