Recent Changes To Financial Emigration Leaves Banks In The Dark

“From blocked accounts, to financial freedom, and back to blocked accounts.”

Claiming Home Office Deductions Proceed With Caution

Claiming Home Office Deductions – Proceed With Caution

SARS recently published a webpage, “Home Office Expenses”, providing guidance to employees who worked from home and who want to claim home office expenses as a deduction against their income.

The Tick-Box Approach

Relying on the ‘Tick-Box Approach’ to Cease Tax Residency Should Raise Alarm Bells for South African Expatriates

Some tax advisors are reported to have directed their expatriate clients to cease tax residency in South Africa by simply ticking the non-resident box in the client’s return and thereafter deregistering the client as a taxpayer from SARS. Following such shady advice could result in a criminal act and will have the client suffering at […]

Do You Need To Submit A Tax Return

Do You Need To Submit A Tax Return?

The Commissioner for SARS prescribes per government notice who is required to submit a tax return. The notice in respect of the 2021 year of assessment was published on 14 May 2021.

Through The Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass: SARS Audits on Offshore Assets

South Africa has a history of taxpayers making use of offshore structures in order to conceal their assets and income. Taxpayers have long believed that these arrangements were beyond SARS’ reach, but will they stand the test of time?