A Hail Mary For The Cash Constrained Taxpayer

A Hail Mary For The Cash Constrained Taxpayer

With inflation levels at their highest since 2009, coupled with rising interest rates in South Africa, cash strapped consumers are scrambling to find means to curb their debt woes.

SARS’ Smoking Gun? Estimated Tax Assessments Through Lifestyle Audits

SARS’ Smoking Gun? Estimated Tax Assessments through Lifestyle Audits

Lifestyle audits were initiated by SARS back in 2007, however actual action earnestly began only a few years ago with the arrival of SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter. These audits are conducted when SARS suspects that the taxpayer is not declaring all his or her income and thus is underpaying the factual tax due.


What South Africans Lose When Adopting Foreign Citizenship

Anyone who acquires citizenship in another country will automatically lose their South African citizenship. This includes all rights and privileges associated with being a South African citizen, including losing your right to a South African passport, one’s right to vote, etc.

Alarm Over Growing Brain Drain From SA

Alarm Over Growing Brain Drain From SA

As emigration by skilled South Africans rises, experts in the auditing and insurance sectors have warned this will weaken the country’s skills base and reduce the pool of wealthy individuals, whose spending on goods and services support many businesses.

Rapport - Moet Liefs Nie Jou Kripto-Winste Vir Jan Taks Wegsteek

Moet Liefs Nie Jou Kripto-Winste Vir Jan Taks Wegsteek

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