SARS Considers Ordaining Solar Installers as Spies
The recent draft public notice issued by SARS proposes that Solar Installers must report taxpayer information.
Policy Withdrawals – Navigating the Inconsistencies of Expat Requirements
South Africans abroad face multiple challenges when it comes to withdrawing their retirement policies in South Africa. The most recent being the South African Revenue Services (“SARS”) implementation of the 3-year lock in rule on retirement funds in March 2021. This was further exacerbated by cumbersome requirements and additional administration burden required by policy providers.
Beware! One Cannot Review a Decision Which Was Not Taken!
In the matter of Medtronic International v CSARS (33400-19) ZAGPPHC, Medtronic (“the taxpayer”) brought a review application against the Commissioner of SARS (“the Commissioner”). This was due to the taxpayer being a victim of fraud, perpetuated by a Medtronic employee, to the tune of approximately R460 000 000,00.
Reaffirming The Rules – SARS Disputes And The High Court
Under the original section 105 of the Tax Administration Act, 28 of 2011 (“the TAA”), taxpayers could elect to dispute a “decision” by application to the High Court for review. This was, however, amended in 2015, to make it clear that a “decision” by SARS may only be disputed per the objection and appeal procedures, […]
Crypto Tax Classification – Capital Gains or Income
“Bitcoin, blockchain, mining”. By now we’re all familiar with cryptocurrency and its related buzzwords. The initial boom in cryptocurrency markets, has resulted in many people becoming cryptocurrency investors, with everyone seeking to capitalise on intangible investment opportunity, or at least, the loss that comes with their investments, in the current bear market.