SARS Commands Collection – A Snapshot of the War on Non-Compliance
2023 has seen SARS expanding its compliance arsenal, implementing processes such as the Approval of International Transfer (AIT) process, and sending out waves of Handover to 3rd Party Debt collector Notices to non-compliant taxpayers.
Exchange Control and Tax Residency in South Africa
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB), in collaboration with various financial institutions, maintains a comprehensive record of the residency status of all South African banking customers.
Navigating Tax Residency: A Guide for South African Expats
For South Africans who have ceased their tax residency, unlocking one’s retirement savings becomes a nuanced journey filled with complexity and uncertainty.
Big Medical Tax Blow on the Cards for Cash Strapped South Africans
In the wake of the recent National Health Insurance (NHI) presentation on October 31st, a significant proposal has been put forward: the elimination of existing medical aid credits for employees enrolled in registered medical aid plans.
Will Advance Pricing Agreements Advance the South African Economy?
National Treasury has provided their responses to the public comments on the annual draft tax law amendment bill! Although still a work in progress, there are some pertinent proposed changes. From a global business expansion perspective, one such proposal is the inclusion of the use of “Advanced Pricing Agreements” (“APAs”) in South African domestic law, […]