Remuneration Trends for 2019
An employee’s remuneration package was once carved in stone, consisting of their pay and some standard benefits, like medical aid and pension. However, things are quite different these days, with employers hoping to offer better rewards that entice top talent to join their organisations and stay longer. Here, we share our views on what workers […]
Budget Speech 2019: Systems Set in Place – Revenue Collections
Since the interim budget speech in October, there has been a significant decrease in revenue. The revenue was decreased by R15.4 billion, which can mostly be attributed to the increase in VAT refunds over the past few months.
Budget Speech 2019: Tax Revenue and Raising SARS’ Capacity
During the delivery of the 2019 Budget speech, the Minister – Tito Mboweni – spoke about six fundamental prescripts in this year’s budget, one of them being Increasing tax collection. In increasing tax collection, he talked about Tax revenue and raising SARS’ capacity – the following was addressed on this topic:
Budget Speech 2019 : Seed planted on rocky ground
The Minister of Finance Tito Mboweni has laid out for us a budget speech which most of us expected to be tough and paint a true state of the nation. We mostly expected him to lay down the hammer on fruitless and wasteful expenditure, to curb unnecessary spending by our highly esteemed politicians.
Budget Speech 2019: Illicit Economy Unit
Reports released in November 2018 indicate that 1 of 3 cigarettes sold in South Africa is illegal. The cost of illegal cigarettes is about R50-60 per carton while legal cigarettes are sold locally in South Africa for R250 per carton. Consumption of illegal tobacco keeps increasing due to the higher selling price of legal cigarettes.