Binding Class Ruling: BCR 59 | Calculation Of VAT For Table Games Of Chance
Issue This ruling provides direction relating to the way casinos must account for VAT in respect of table games of chance.
Issue This ruling provides direction relating to the way casinos must account for VAT in respect of table games of chance.
Like that found in Yin and Yang, all things must be balanced in life, which rings true even for a competent revenue authority, as the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) has demonstrated over the last fiscal period, with Commissioner Kieswetter stating that “we strive to balance the trade-off between taxpayer service and risk management”.
Effective 1 March 2021, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) removed themselves from the process of Financial Emigration. The move was gladly welcomed by Authorised Dealers (banks), as this took away the burdensome process banks had to follow guided by Exchange Control Rulings.