They may experience feelings of powerlessness and, subconsciously, being betrayed by the organisation to which they offered their allegiance.
They may experience feelings of powerlessness and, subconsciously, being betrayed by the organisation to which they offered their allegiance.
The President has entrusted Edward Kieswetter as the new Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service. Boasting a stately CV and with an impressive track record, the Commissioner certainly looks to be the right man for the job under normal circumstances. But these are extraordinary times and the increasing question being asked by compliant South […]
For those who have been subjected to a SARS audit, it may be hard to imagine a reality where this experience can be any more agonising. If this resonates with you, perhaps consider a world where SARS makes you pay for the resources it had to expend in putting you through this ordeal. The truth […]