There is no shortage of reports in the public domain exposing high-profile individuals who are delinquent in their tax affairs, but it appears that SARS is not interested in bringing them to book.
There is no shortage of reports in the public domain exposing high-profile individuals who are delinquent in their tax affairs, but it appears that SARS is not interested in bringing them to book.
In the recent case of CSARS v Clicks Retailers (Pty) Ltd (58/2019) (2019) ZASCA 187, the Supreme Court of Appeal (“the SCA”) sided with SARS in its interpretation of section 24C of the Income Tax Act, No. 58 of 1962. Contractors and others who avail themselves to this provision should heed the permutations set by […]
National Treasury held the annual Annexure C Workshop on 4 and 5 December 2019, where items for inclusion in the 2020 legislative cycle were discussed. (Un)surprisingly, the amendment to the foreign employment exemption was on the agenda, AGAIN.