Bonang Likely To Struggle In Tax-Evasion Fight

Bonang likely to struggle in tax-evasion fight

Once you have evaded paying taxes and haven’t filed tax returns, criminal law will apply to you, warns attorney on the celebrity’s woes. Team Bonang Matheba’s optimism on the outcome of engagements with the taxman on the television personality and businesswoman’s tax woes could come to nothing, a tax attorney has cautioned. Jean du Toit, […]

SARS To Use CIPC Information To Impose Penalties on Non-Compliant Companies

SARS to impose penalties on non-compliant companies from December

From the 7th of December the South African Revenue Service (SARS) will be implementing their new approach to use information supplied by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) to determine which companies are not tax compliant and impose penalties accordingly.

VAT-refunds: Slow and Steady Doesn't Necessarily Win The Race

VAT refunds: Slow and steady doesn’t necessarily win the race

More than a year after the Ombud’s rather critical report on the South African Revenue Service’s (SARS’) value-added tax (VAT) refund structure was issued, frustration among taxpayers has been intensified by the revenue service’s excessive verification demands, which seem to be driven by the aim to delay legitimate VAT refunds.

SARS ups tax collection through payroll audits

Despite the promising initiatives implemented under the South African Revenue Service’s (SARS) acting Commissioner Mark Kingon, its tribulations in meeting its collection targets have not yet waned, with payroll audits falling under its enhanced collection efforts to make up the shortfall.

Taking Loan In Crisis Time

Taking loan in crisis time

We all find ourselves in tough financial spots from time to time, where there is just too much month at the end of the money.

Proposal For Regulatory Framework for Payroll Deductions

Proposal for a regulatory framework for payroll deductions

After becoming aware of an increase in payroll deductions in recent years, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and National Treasury have engaged in discussions with stakeholders on the creation of a regulatory framework to govern payroll deductions. The proposal was open for public comment until 30 April 2018.

Underpayment of company VAT and fall in taxpayer morality – Voluntary Disclosure Programme only solution

With the wave of anti-SARS sentiment currently washing over South Africa, paying historical value-added tax (VAT) may be a hard pill to swallow. This has resulted in many companies understating or underpaying their VAT and subsequently incurring colossal penalties in addition to the tax payable.

SARS To Hit 300 000 Companies With Fines

Sars to hit 300 000 companies with fines

The SA Revenue Service, as part of a move to boost its revenue collection, is looking to nail 300 000 companies with penalties for failure to submit corporate income tax returns. On the sidelines of the Tax Indaba in Johannesburg this week, Fabian Murray, acting Sars chief officer for business and individual tax, said that, […]

Panic, Uncertainty About Expatriate Tax

Panic, Uncertainty About Expatriate Tax

Tax practitioners say their clients remain panicked and concerned about the ‘expat tax’, despite National Treasury adopting a relatively softer stance.