SARS Ups The Ante On Expatriates Trying To Cease Their Tax Residency

SARS Ups The Ante On Expatriates Trying To Cease Their Tax Residency

SARS has started to make good on its promise in the 2020 Budget Review by enhancing their verification and audit processes to accurately review the compliance and tax statuses of South Africans abroad.

Delayed VAT Refunds from SARS? Legal Recourse Available to Businesses

Delayed VAT Refunds from SARS? Legal Recourse Available to Businesses

Given the number of fraudsters and chance-takers in today’s market, hesitancy on the part of the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) is present and well-understood. Rather than simply handing out refunds to every VAT claimant without careful scrutiny, the SARS official appointed to the matter is obligated to correctly apply the law, even though it […]

A Hail Mary For The Cash Constrained Taxpayer

A Hail Mary For The Cash Constrained Taxpayer

With inflation levels at their highest since 2009, coupled with rising interest rates in South Africa, cash strapped consumers are scrambling to find means to curb their debt woes.

SARS’ Smoking Gun? Estimated Tax Assessments Through Lifestyle Audits

SARS’ Smoking Gun? Estimated Tax Assessments through Lifestyle Audits

Lifestyle audits were initiated by SARS back in 2007, however actual action earnestly began only a few years ago with the arrival of SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter. These audits are conducted when SARS suspects that the taxpayer is not declaring all his or her income and thus is underpaying the factual tax due.


What South Africans Lose When Adopting Foreign Citizenship

Anyone who acquires citizenship in another country will automatically lose their South African citizenship. This includes all rights and privileges associated with being a South African citizen, including losing your right to a South African passport, one’s right to vote, etc.

Alarm Over Growing Brain Drain From SA

Alarm Over Growing Brain Drain From SA

As emigration by skilled South Africans rises, experts in the auditing and insurance sectors have warned this will weaken the country’s skills base and reduce the pool of wealthy individuals, whose spending on goods and services support many businesses.

Rapport - Moet Liefs Nie Jou Kripto-Winste Vir Jan Taks Wegsteek

Moet Liefs Nie Jou Kripto-Winste Vir Jan Taks Wegsteek

Verklaar die bates ten volle, of SAID kan groot boetes hef.

The Information That Can Keep A Deceased Estate Frozen

The Information That Can Keep A Deceased Estate Frozen

As if the distress of losing a loved one was not enough, the process of winding up their estate immediately following their death can prove overwhelming to a grieving family. But if they cannot promptly produce the legally required information, that critical source of funds may remain frozen much longer than necessary.

SARS Tracking Flights

SARS Tracking Flights As Part Of Stricter Non-Resident Verification Process

Expatriate taxpayers awaiting approval of their non-resident status may be surprised to discover that SARS can track their flights into and out of South Africa.

Non-Resident Tax Status Reversed? Read This Before Reapplying To SARS

SARS introduced its Tax Non-Resident Confirmation letter in 2021, and it now appears that emigrated taxpayers, whose residency status was previously disclosed to SARS as non-resident, are now finding their status has been reset to ‘resident’. This may possibly have been due to a bug, or one arm not speaking to the other, when SARS […]