They may experience feelings of powerlessness and, subconsciously, being betrayed by the organisation to which they offered their allegiance.
They may experience feelings of powerlessness and, subconsciously, being betrayed by the organisation to which they offered their allegiance.
The President has entrusted Edward Kieswetter as the new Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service. Boasting a stately CV and with an impressive track record, the Commissioner certainly looks to be the right man for the job under normal circumstances. But these are extraordinary times and the increasing question being asked by compliant South […]
For those who have been subjected to a SARS audit, it may be hard to imagine a reality where this experience can be any more agonising. If this resonates with you, perhaps consider a world where SARS makes you pay for the resources it had to expend in putting you through this ordeal. The truth […]
The Tax Court judgment in XYZ CC v C:SARS (ITC 13 868) (“XYZ case”) was recently delivered as a stern reminder to taxpayers who only follow the objection process as a method to purposely delay the payment of tax, where there appears to be no valid basis to do so. The unlucky result for the taxpayer […]
Starting line up It is quite the spectacle. Whether it’s the Cricket, Rugby or Football World Cup, the buzz and excitement of a host of countries coming together to compete for what is the ultimate top honour in that sporting discipline, carries with it a frenzy of activity. Spectators come out in their droves to […]
During the recent budget speech, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni announced that tax bracket limits would not be adjusted in line with inflation. This has working South Africans worried they will fall victim to “bracket creep”.
The South African Revenue Service’s (SARS) raid of BOSASA offices is a reminder that SARS will deal with non-compliant taxpayers in a tough and effective manner. The BOSASA raid comes less than a year following the SARS announcement that it would be partnering with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to combat tax evasion and low […]
If there was any doubt amongst taxpayers, especially South Africans working abroad, National Treasury, on 6 March 2019, categorically confirmed that it is forging ahead with the implementation of the amended section 10(1)(o)(ii) (“the Expat Exemption”).
In what now seems to have become an annual occurrence, the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, has announced during this year’s budget speech that there will, again, be a tax revenue shortfall – this time to the tune of R43 billion. Despite promising initiatives implemented by the South African Revenue Service (SARS), it appears that […]
Becoming an expert Malcolm Gladwell proposed that, in order to become an expert in something, you would have to spend 10 000 hours practising that “something”. While his proposition may have been challenged and shown to be inaccurate over the years, the concept is still the same. Without time, effort and expertise, proficiency in any field […]