Planning A Family Holiday While Working Remotely On The Side? Think Again

Planning A Family Holiday While Working Remotely On The Side? Think Again.

Because of digital advances, in part fuelled by worldwide lockdowns and social distancing, there are many professions that no longer require staff to be permanently office-bound.

Living Abroad? SARS Is Stepping Up Their Prosecuting Game

Living Abroad? SARS Is Stepping Up Their Prosecuting Game

South Africans living abroad should be aware of the seriousness with which SARS is dealing with non-compliance. Provided that you are working abroad and have not ceased your tax residency, while not filing tax returns or declaring your foreign income, you are most likely non-compliant.

Mauritius Revenue Authority Declares That Foreign Trusts Are No Longer Exempt From Paying Tax

Mauritius Revenue Authority Declares That Foreign Trusts Are No Longer Exempt From Paying Tax

Recently the Mauritius Revenue Authority (“MRA”) announced by way of a Statement of Practice (“SOP”) that foreign trusts held in Mauritius will no longer be exempt from income taxes.

Policy Withdrawals After Financial Emigration-SARS' Current Challenges

Policy Withdrawals After Financial Emigration – SARS’ Current Challenges

There are many reasons why South African tax residents undertake to cease tax residency through the financial emigration process. One of the reasons is that a successful financial emigration provides one with the rare opportunity to fully encash your policy funds.

Criminality Of Non-Compliance – SARS Makes Good On Its Word

Criminality Of Non-Compliance – SARS Makes Good On Its Word

After having been alluded to for months by SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter and being re-emphasized in his media statement of early August, following the recent lootings, SARS will still chase after those taxpayers who are non-compliant.

SARS Role In The Criminal Justice System

SARS’ Role In The Criminal Justice System

SARS is mandated through legislation to conduct a criminal investigation if it suspects tax fraud. Once it has been finalised, they register a formal complaint with the South African Police Services.

Is SARS Doing Selective Prosecution Of Tax Offenders?

Is SARS Doing Selective Prosecution Of Tax Offenders?

On numerous occasions, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) has warned that they will be taking on South African taxpayers who have been non-compliant.

Industry Survey Evidences The Immense Impact Of Proposed Retirement Fund Changes On South Africans Abroad

Industry Survey Evidences The Immense Impact Of Proposed Retirement Fund Changes On South Africans Abroad

The Expatriate Petition Group (“EPG”), who has an active membership of 15,000 South Africans abroad, recently conducted a survey to contextualise the proposed retirement fund changes from the perspective of South African expatriates, specifically in light of other recent legislative amendments.

South Africans Abroad Take Note – Taxpayers With Outstanding Returns Summoned To Face Criminal Charges

South Africans Abroad Take Note: Taxpayers With Outstanding Returns Summoned To Face Criminal Charges

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is issuing summonses to taxpayers with outstanding tax returns. The Commissioner for SARS, Edward Kieswetter, has promised that they will make life difficult for non-compliant taxpayers, a promise he has kept. Those who decided to ignore his words of caution may soon be summoned to appear in court on criminal […]

Start Planning Around The Additional Exit Tax Before It’s Too Late

On 28 July 2021, National Treasury and the South African Revenue Services (SARS) released the 2021 Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, which will come into effect from March 2022.