Entries by admin

In which countries do people pay the most tax?

Income tax is a constant source of controversy and debate, no matter what country you live in. “Should 5% appear too small, be thankful I don’t take it all … You’re working for no one but me,” sang the Beatles in their 1966 hit Taxman, in an attack on the then Labour government’s high tax rates. […]

The Davis Tax Committee

Introduction On 17 July 2013 the Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan, announced the members of the Tax Review Committee (the Committee) as well as the Committee’s Terms of Reference. This gave effect to the Minister’s previous announcement in February 2013 when he tabled the 2013/14 Budget that government will initiate a tax review this […]

Where Is The Best Country To Be An Expat?

A new survey of 21,950 expatriates from around the world has crowned Singapore as the best place to be an expat. The Expat Explorer country league table, commissioned by HSBC and now in its eighth year, uses a variety of criteria including economics, experience and family life. Singapore received a 67% approval from expats living there, who […]

Full text: Nhlanhla Nene’s 2015 Budget speech

Honourable Speaker I have the honour to present the first budget of our fifth democratic Parliament. Members of the House, and fellow South Africans. Over the past twenty years we have built houses, delivered water and electricity, improved access to schools and health care. Yet there are people living in shacks, there are schools without […]

SA Budget 2015: Taxes up, up and away

Though government says an increase in personal taxation will not amount to “too much pain”, the bad news is that income tax rates will be raised by one percentage point for all taxpayers earning more than R181,900 a year. The very bad news is that the total fuel levy will increase by 80.5 cents a […]

Who Gets a Raise?

Is it time to ask for a raise? Neil Irwin at The Upshot writes that this could (finally) be a good year for wages, with small businesses, and a big health insurer, planning to increase pay. And The Billfold titled a recent post “The Year America Gets a Raise” (though its author, Mike Dang, also […]

In the Shoes of a Tax-compliant Expatriate

VISITORS to the Philippines come for the beautiful islands, tropical weather, and exotic cuisine. It therefore comes as no surprise to find foreigners all over the Philippines. But they’re not all lounging by hotel pools — many of them are prowling the central business districts wearing suits, supervising projects in the red-hot business process outsourcing […]